This also has a side benefit that allows you to actually see the fonts (somewhat) when you have the new Yosemite dark mode selected. If all goes well, you can now see all of your fonts in Adobe Illustrator CS 5 once again. Open the Mac OS X System Preferences and head to ‘Accessibility.’ Once you are in there, select ‘Display’ from the left-hand list and then check the checkbox that says “Reduce transparency.”

Nothing worked! Finally, I noticed this nugget on a back corner of the web and low and behold, it solved it! Here’s what you do (after some quick Capital Mac Service product recommendations):

Frustrating! I went through every fix that was given on the Adobe site, including turning off font preview (why wouldn’t you want to see what your fonts look like?), turning on and off the dark menu, killing Illustrator preferences, etc. Sign the petition to force Adobe to issue maintenance patches for Adobe Creative Suite CS5 and El Capitan by clicking here! So, you are here because you just installed Mac OS X Yosemite or El Capitan and you use Adobe Illustrator 5 and you can’t see the font preview in the type drop-down menu, right? What happens is when you mouse over a font, it will show the preview, but, it will show everything else as blanks. However, most Mac users that I know have gone with PDFPen.Font Preview Not Working in CS5 Illustrator after Yosemite? Here’s a fix! Personally I have settled on Nuance's PDF Converter for the Mac, because Nuance purchased Caere's OmniPage Pro and integrated it into the product, thus giving it the very best optical character recognition (OCR) engine available on the Macintosh. Though they are all quite a bit less than Adobe's Acrobat for the Macintosh. Cisdem PDFManagerUltimate for Mac: PDF Editor, PDF Reader and PDF Converter (I've always found iSkysoft to be a sketchy company.) iSkysoft PDF Editor for Mac: Edit PDF like a Word Processor

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